3 more Ways Workspace Design can Improve Employee Engagement

In an earlier article, we discussed the ways in which a change in office layout can enhance employee engagement and keep the workforce happy and satisfied. However, there are many more ways to improve employee engagement with the right workspace design. Here are some professional techniques that office renovation contractors usually use to make their designs more effective for productivity and employee engagement.

1. The Breakout Area

The breakout area is typically meant for employees who wish to mingle during lunch breaks or even for a cup of tea. It allows them to rejuvenate and recuperate and also collaborate for brain storming and other fruitful group activities. Designing such an area with a dash of creativity can help in creating a space that makes employees happy and helps them to connect with each other.

2. A Technologically Equipped Workplace

Workplaces of today are becoming smarter by the day in a bid to become highly productive places. Employees of today prefer spaces that are technologically superior. It is always a good idea to include a range of technical support systems you wish to include in your layout and discuss the same with your F&B renovation contractor.

3. More Customized Choices

If you are planning to devise a fresh plan for your office layout, one of the best ways to enhance workplace engagement is to keep the working styles of your employees and the prevailing culture of your organization in mind. Seeking inputs from your workforce will certainly help in creating offices they are comfortable with. If they need meeting hubs, you can create such spots. If they are more comfortable working in seclusion, it could be a cubicle based design.

Your office renovation should be an exercise to improve the overall working ambience rather than focusing on the aesthetic appeal alone. Enhancing work productivity should be the top goal.

from Interior Design Singapore http://ift.tt/2oLWb4B

3 Ways Workplace Design can Improve Employee Engagement

The look and feel of your physical workspace can have a significant impact on your employee engagement. The workplace design either provides positive impetus to productivity or quite the contrary. Before you finalize your workplace design or office renovation in Singapore, here are some important things to consider.

1. Creating a collaborative environment

Collaboration and interactions between workers are critical to the success of any business. Ideally, an office space should be designed in such a manner that there are built in spaces for the staff members to meet, discuss and brainstorm. These should be nothing like formal meeting rooms but casual open spaces for small rounds of conversation, mostly unplanned.

2. It is important to be inclusive

Modern day workplaces are all about open offices, fostering extrovert behavior and plenty of mingling around. The fact remains however that the best minds do not really function in this kind of ambience. They need inclusive spaces for maintaining focus and concentration. Make sure your retail shop renovation specialist keeps this in mind when planning the layout.

3. Incorporating multiple floor plans

The best way to achieve a balance is to incorporate multiple floor plans into a single layout. For instance, an office should not be about closed cubicles or open floors alone. You need to have a mix of both. For instance, you may want to include conference rooms, meeting spaces, and small working desks at the cafeteria corner. It is about giving your employees multiple workplace options, making it easier for them to get back to work at any point of their work day.

Every company has different a vision and work culture. It is important to make sure your workplace design reflects your company culture and inspires your employees to live the core values of your organization. Choosing the right contractor for office design is also important.

from Interior Design Singapore http://ift.tt/2EAep2l

Budgeting Tips for SMBs

The ability to track and reduce overheads or cut down unnecessary costs is critical to the success of any small business. Every dollar counts – whether you save it on your F&B renovation or while hiring an office renovation contractor. However, it is not easy to create and stick to a budget when you’re running a small business. Here are some useful tips.

Keep cash aside for unexpected costs

Remember, majority of small businesses fail within the first five years of inception due to the lack of capital funding. It is important to known the expenses well and keep funds aside for catering to them. Make sure you are well aware of costs related to legalities, compliance and taxes, competition, insurance, employee turnovers and more.

Make a repayment schedule for your debts

Most small businesses get started with funding. Perhaps, you too have started your company with a small business loan or by getting a loan using a business credit card. It is important to plan a strong repayment schedule for your debts. Timely repayment not only helps you avoid paying extra on fines and penalties but also boosts you credit score. If possible, consider foreclosing your existing loans.

Consider updating your budget every month

Although it may seem like a no-brainer, most companies tend to prepare a budget at the inception phase and try to stick to it. However, it is important to include realistic updates in the budget every now and then and then try and adhere to it.

Overestimate expenses

One of the smartest ways of managing your business effectively is to overestimate your expenses. That way, you’ll always have some extra room to manage any unexpected expenses. This will also increase your likelihood of saving more money. For instance, if you can hire your office renovation contractor at a lower than expected rate, the amount you save can be used on other important areas.

Remember, all businesses need capital to expand and grow. Great financial planning will enable availability of funds.

from Interior Design Singapore http://ift.tt/2BM48iy

Top Retail Design Strategies to Try in 2018

With the ecommerce industry expanding and eating into the market share of the retail industry, retailers should focus more on offering a unique shopping experience to their customers.

The best way to create a killer visual impact is by using your retail judiciously and creating an interesting scheme for your merchandise. If required, you can seek professional help for retail shop renovation in Singapore. Here are some retail design strategies you can try in 2018.

Painting an accent wall

Taking one wall as the accent wall and painting it differently with bold colours is one of the best ways to add spice to your space without having to spend a bomb. You may even use some sparkling textures or a printed fabric or even a wallpaper cladding for pepping it up!

Move over shelves

Utilizing wall space for shelves and showcasing your merchandize with the help of these shelves is a common. Nowadays innovative display schemes are used for showcasing merchandize. Depending on the stuff that you are displaying, you can use antique fit-outs like panels, wood casings, extended painting frames and similar such interesting out of the box ideas for attracting the attention of buyers.

Avoid clutter

Considering that most retail spaces in business centres would be smaller as compared to your expectations, you need to be careful of avoiding clutter. One way is to avoid very dark or dull shades in the interiors. Light grey and yellow work just fine and lend a sense of space. Similarly, when you are displaying your merchandize, avoid crowding. Arrange them neatly and leave plenty of space in between.

As your retail shop renovation specialist will tell you, how you use your lighting is also extremely important. Experts suggest varied lighting combinations including scones, picture lights, lamps and even track lights. The idea is to pick the elements judiciously for your space and display them in style.

from Interior Design Singapore http://ift.tt/2B87yaA

3 Tips for Law Firm Office Renovation

The look and feel can contribute largely to success of your law firm. To have a leg up on the competition, you should revamp the interior design of your law firm at frequent intervals. Consider getting the job done by an experienced office renovation contractor or F & B renovation company. Here are three useful tips for law firm office renovation.

1. The reception area needs attention

The reception area is undoubtedly one of the most important places of a law firm that generates first impression of your business. Unlike traditional approach, only appointing soft-spoken good-looking person isn’t adequate. The clients or visitors must feel very comfortable at your office in a way they can relax, watch television and pleasantly wait when you are busy in some other task. Hence, it is always better to turn the reception into a colorful lounge-type area.

2. Application of proper lighting

Lighting always plays an important role in generating the right office environment. Your office renovation contractor should have the idea what kind of light will suit your firm mainly based on the room sizes. You can use the LED retrofit to give more brightness whereas it consumes less amount of energy. Apart from lighting, installing decorative wall panels, using marker boards at few places etc. also give more enthusiasm to the employees.

3. Giving it a professional look

Giving a professional look to your law firm will not only encourage your employees to work better, the clients visiting your office will surely take you and your business seriously and promote conversions. Installing the decorative furniture, making good branding on the wall, keeping a tad wide aisle or passing trade, proper positioning of the employees’ seats, etc. should be done meticulously to support your organization’s distinctive needs. Even the workplace should be very responsive to accept any integration of new design trends in future based on the requirements of your firm and the staffs.

from Interior Design Singapore http://ift.tt/2lHoRcY

Design Tips for Creating Sensory Rich Experience in the Workplace

A workplace that is designed to suit our senses is more engaging, more productive and is likely to make the employees happier. Our senses have a lingering impact on how we remember experiences and how we look at the world. It is advisable to ask your contractor for office renovation in Singapore to make choices that appeal to the senses in positive ways. Here are some useful tips.

Implement color psychology for the sight

When it comes to the eyes, colors have a significant role to play. You can use a lot of blues, in different muted shades for a calming effect. Similarly, fresh citrus hues like bright yellow, orange and light green enhance mind alertness and create an energetic environment in the workplace. Colors that are bold and bright are ideal for creativity. You need to create a balance in the manner in which you use the shades, keeping in mind the nature of your work.

Consider olfactory stimulation

Breathing aroma has an instantaneous impact on our emotions and moods. This can be put to great advantage for providing mental clarity, stimulation, inspiration and relaxing. Consider fragrances like lemon, lemongrass, orange, lavender and even jasmine. Research has proved that employees make fewer typing mistakes when they are exposed to such enigmatic fragrances. Ask your retail shop renovation service provider to create a suitable infrastructural support in so that you can create a fragrant workplace.

Do not forget thermal comfort

Thermal comfort is when your employees don’t feel too hot or too cold within the confines of the workplace. Although comfort levels may vary from individual to individual, a temperature of 18 to 22 degrees centigrade is ideal in most cases. Providing good air quality is also important. Air purifiers are available for easy installation. Also, fitting room humidifiers may also be a good idea.

In addition, you can also use music for auditory stimulation and in order to improve concentration. Make sure you discuss your options well with your renovation specialist before you implement.

from Interior Design Singapore http://ift.tt/2kFwUai